Waves with Ridges

Waves with Ridges free knitting pattern.


waves with ridges chart

Japanese knitting symbol for purl
Japanese knitting symbol for purl
Japanese knitting symbol for ssk

Japanese knitting symbol for ssk
Japanese knitting symbol for knit into back of the stitch
Japanese knitting symbol for knit into back of the stitch
Japanese knitting symbol for yarn over
Japanese knitting symbol for yarn over

12 thoughts on “Waves with Ridges”

    1. This is most presumably a misunderstanding.
      Jane Swain: click on the sentence “waves with ridges chart” under the picture.
      Regards from Germany,

  1. Once you get used to a chart, you’ll find you love it. Maybe it works best if you have a visual memory, but don’t be intimidated by a chart. It’s easier to follow than alphanumeric instructions. Reading those can drive you crazy!

  2. Thanks for adding the explanation of the knitting symbols. What does the vertical wavy line along stich 13 mean?

  3. Hello Kingdom,
    how do I print the chart? Also I’m assuming I have to analyze the illustrations in order to determine the stitch, but could the acronym or name of the stitch be used next to the illustration, ie PSSO?
    Thanks for your attention and patience,

    1. the first symboy is purl, the second is ssk, third in knit into the back of the stitch, last one is yarn over.

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