Vine in a Twist Stitch Pattern Panel.

Special Abbreviations
M1LP: Make 1 purlwise, left-leaning – with LH needle lift the strand
between next and last st from front to back and purl through the
back loop.
M1RP: Make 1 purlwise, right leaning – with LH needle lift the
strand between next and last st from back to front and purl
through the front loop.
Pattern Stitch
Worked over 48 sts
Row 1 (RS):P3,M1L,(K2,P2)twice,K1, SSK,P1,(K2,P2)4times,K2,P1,K2tog,K1,(P2,K2)twice,M1R,P3.
Row 2 and allWS rows: Purl.
Row 3:P3,K1,M1L,(K2,P2)twice,K1, SSK,(K2,P2)4times,K2,K2tog,K1, (P2,K2)twice,M1R,K1,P3.
Row 5:P3,K2,M1LP,(K2,P2)twice,K1, SSK,K1,(P2,K2) 3 times,P2,K1,K2tog, K1,(P2,K2)twice,M1RP,K2,P3.
Row 7:P3,K2,P1,M1LP,(K2,P2)twice, K1, SSK,(P2,K2) 3 times,P2,K2tog,K1, (P2,K2)twice,M1RP,P1,K2,P3.
Row 9:P3,K2,P2,M1L,(K2,P2)twice,K1, SSK,P1,(K2,P2)twice,K2,P1,K2tog,K1, (P2,K2)twice,M1R,P2,K2,P3.
Row 11:P3,K2,P2,K1,M1L,(K2,P2)twice, K1, SSK,(K2,P2)twice,K2,K2tog,K1, (P2,K2)twice,M1R,K1,P2,K2,P3.
Row 13:P3,K2,P2,K2,M1LP,(K2,P2) twice,K1, SSK,K1,P2,K2,P2,K1,K2tog, K1,(P2,K2)twice,M1RP,K2,P2,K2,P3.
Row 15:P3,K2,P2,K2,P1,M1LP,(K2,P2) twice,K1, SSK,P2,K2,P2,K2tog,K1,(P2, K2)twice,M1RP,P1,K2,P2,K2,P3.
Row 16:Purl.