Openwork Chevron Knitting Stitch.

Cast On
(multiple of 14 sts plus 3)
All increase and cast on stitches in the chevron and drop stitch pattern are worked using backwards. loop cast on.
The unusual placement of some of the increases are deliberate in order to provide crisp shaping of the openings.
Stitch Glossary
A – Work with I strand of A.
AB – Work with I strand each of A and B held together.
Row 1 (RS) with AB: K1, “k1, inc 1 (using back-wards loop cast on here and throughout), k4, k2tog tbl, k1, k2tog, k4, inc 1; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 2 (WS) with AB: K1, *p1, k6; rep from * to last 2 sts, p1, k1.
Row 3 with A: K1, *slip I purlwise, inc 1, k4, k2tog tbl, slip 1, k2tog, k4, inc 1: rep from * to last 2 sts, slip 1, k1.
Row 4 with A: K1, purl to last st, k1.
Row 5 with A: Rep row 3.
Row 6 with A: Rep row 4.
Row 7 with AB: Rep row 3.
Row 8 with AB: Rep row 2.
Row 9 with AB: K1, *slip 1, inc 1, k1, [k1, pass 2nd st on RH needle over first st to bind off (called “pass” in foll instructions) 4 times, insert RH needle from the front into 2nd st on LH needle and pass it over first st and slip it to the RH needle, k2tog tbl and then pass slipped st over st just made, then pass 2nd st on RH needle over first st, [k1, pass] 5 times, [inc 1 st, pass] once, rep from * to last 2 sts, slip 1, k1.
Row 10 with AB: *K1, p1, kl, cast on 11 sts; rep from * to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 11 with AB: K1, *slip 1, k2tog, k4, inc 1, k1, inc 1, k4, k2tog tbl, rep from *, end with slip 1, kl.
Row 12 with AB: Rep row 2.
Row 13 with A: Rep row 11.
Row 14 with A: Rep row 4.
Row 15 with A: Rep row 11.
Row 16 with A: Rep row 4.
Row 17 with AB: Rep row 11.
Row 18 with AB: Rep row 2.
Row 19 with AB: K1, *slip 1, inc 1, k2tog, [kl, pass] 3 times, [inc 1, pass] once, [k1, pass] once, slip 1, inc 1, k1, [k1, pass] 3 times, [k2tog tbl, pass] once; rep from * to last 2 sts, slip 1. kl.

Drop Stitch Part
Side column (WS) with AB Work over first 3 sts on LH needle as foll: k1, p1, k1. Turn.
Next row (RS) K1, slip 1, k1.
Next row (WS) P3.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. Do not turn at end of last WS row.
**Cont across work, cast on 4 sts on RH needle, kl. p1, k1 over next 3 sts on LH needle, cast on 5 sts on RH needle, then kl, pl, kl over next 3 sts on LH needle. Turn.
Next column Work over next 3 sts on LH needle as foll: Next row (RS) K1, slip 1, kl. Turn,
Next row (WS) P3. Turn.
Next row (RS) K1, slip 1, k1. Turn.
Next row (WS) Drop last cast-on st from RH needle. Go under the dropped st from the front and knit the next st on LH needle as normal, now pull the dropped st over the st you just knit to bind off, p2. Turn.
Next row (RS) K1, slip I, kl. Turn.
Next row (WS) P3. Turn.
Next row (RS) K1, slip 1, kl. Tum.
Next row (WS) Go under the dropped st from the front and knit the next st on LH needle as normal, now pull the dropped st over the st you just knit (like a bind off motion), p2. turn.
Rep last 2 rows once more, do not turn at end of last row.
Rep from ** across row. Turn.
Row 20 (RS) with AB K1, *slip 1, inc 1, k4, k2tog tbl, slip 1, k2tog, k4, inc 1; rep from * to last 2 sts, slip 1, k1.
Row 21 (WS) with AB K1, *pl. k6; rep from * to last 2 sts, pl, kl.
Rep rows 3-21 for chevron and drop stitch pat.