How to: YO Increases

How to create YO (yarn over) Increases.

An increase (inc) is the addition of a stitch. Its main function is for shaping, but it is also used in combination with decreases for lacy patterns. There are four basic increases, yarn over (YO), raised, lifted and bar (M1). Casting on is also used for increasing, mainly for buttonhole or for adding multiple stitches at the beginning or the end of a row.

Yarn-Over (YO) increase

YO-increase is made by wrapping yarn around the needle between two stitches. Because a hole is made, this method is used for laces. The basic technique is to wrap the yarn around the needle once to be knit or purled on the next row. The direction of wrap depends on the type of stitch that precedes and follows the YO.

YO-before first stitch. (For picot edge and some laces. Can be done either knitwise or purlwise.)

yo increase 1

YO-after knit stitch, before purl stitch.

How to: YO Increases

YO-after knit stitch, before knit stitch. (For stockinette and lacy stitches.)

YO-after knit stitch, before knit stitch. (For stockinette and lacy stitches.)

YO-after knit stitch, before knit stitch. (For Garter stitch.)

yo increase 4

YO-after purl stitch, before knit stitch.

yo increase 5

YO-after purl stitch, before purl stitch. (For reverse stockinette and lace stitches.)

yo increase 6

YO-after purl stitch, before purl stitch. (For a purl garter stitch.)

See Patterns that use YO increase

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