How to: Raised Knit Increases

Raised Increases

Raised increase is made by picking up a horizontal strand between two stitches and working it as if it were a stitch. There are two ways for this strand. If you work in the front, a hole is left beneath, suitable for lace or decorative stitches. If you work into the back of the strand, the stitch is twisted and the increase is barely visible.

raised increase 1

Insert left needle front to back under the horizontal bar that lies between the two stitches.

raised increase 2

On a knit row for a decorative stitch, increase knit into the front of the stitch.

raised increase 3

On a knit row for an invisible raised stitch, knit into the back of the stitch.

raised increase 4

On a purl row for a decorative raised stitch, increase the purl into the front of the stitch.

raised increase 5

On a purl row for an invisible raised stitch, purl into the back of the stitch.

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