Lifted increase Lifted increase is made by working into the stitch below as well as into the stitch itself. The result is almost invisible, but there is a definite slant to the stitches. It is good to pair increases to each side of a centre point.

To pair lifted increases on the either side of a centre stitch work a left increase before the centre stitch and a right increase after it.

For a lifted knit right increase, insert a needle in the top of a loop just below the stitch, knit loop and then knit stitch on needle.

For a lifted knit left increase, insert left needle in the top of the completed stitch, and then pull it back gently and knit it.

For a lifted purl right increase, insert needle in the top of the loop just below the stitch, purl loop and then purl stitch on needle.

For a lifted purl left increase, insert the left needle in the top of the just completed stitch, pull back gently and purl it.