Free Lace Scallop Knitting Stitch.

Knitting Translation from Russian to English
Translation of what is written above.
- Original: РАППОРТ
- Translation: REPEAT
Key to Symbols (and implied stitch abbreviations):
- Original: 1 кром.петля
- Translation: 1 edge stitch (selvedge stitch) — Often abbreviated as “selv” or implied.
- Original: 1- 1 лицевая петля
- Translation: 1 – Knit 1 (k1)
- Original: – 1 изнаночная петля
- Translation: – Purl 1 (p1)
- Original: U-1 накид
- Translation: U – Yarn over (yo)
- Original: 1- 2 петли провязать вместе вместе лицевой с наклоном вправо
- Translation: 1 – Knit two together (k2tog) — This is a right-leaning decrease.
- Original: – 2 петли провязать вместе с наклоном влево (1 петлю снять как лицевую, 1 лицевая, затем протянуть ее через снятую петлю)
- Translation: – Slip, slip, knit (ssk) — This is a left-leaning decrease. The long description translates to: Slip 1 stitch knitwise, slip the next stitch knitwise, insert the left needle into the fronts of these two slipped stitches from left to right, and knit them together. This is the standard way to work an ssk.
Pattern Repeat Instructions:
- Original: Раппорт кратен 19 петлям. На схеме даны лицевые ряды. В изнаночных рядах все петли провязывать по рисунку, накиды провязывать изнаночными. Повторять раппорт с 1-го по 10-ый ряды.
- Translation: The pattern repeat is a multiple of 19 stitches. The chart shows the right side (RS) rows. On wrong side (WS) rows, work all stitches as they appear, purling the yarn overs. Repeat rows 1 through 10 for the pattern.
- Explanation: This is crucial.
- You need a stitch count that is a multiple of 19 plus your edge stitches. For example, if you want one edge stitch on each side, you’d need (19 * number of repeats) + 2.
- “Work all stitches as they appear” means knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches as they present themselves on the needle.
- The yarn overs from the previous row are always purled on the wrong side rows.
- Explanation: This is crucial.