Feather Knit Stitch Panel

Feather Knit Stitch Panel.

Feather Knit Stitch Panel


C2B: Slip 1st to cn and hold at back
of work, K1; K1 from cn.

C2F: Slip 1st to cn and hold at front
of work, K1; KI from cn,

C3B: Slip 2 sts to cn and hold at back
of work, K1; K2 from cn.

C3F: Slip 1st to cn and hold at front
of work, K2; KI from cn,

T2B: Slip 1st to cn and hold at back
of work, K1; Pl from cn.

T2F: Slip 1st to cn and hold at front,
of work, Pi; KI from cn,

T3B: Slip 2 sts to cn and hold at back
of work, K1; P2 from cn,

T3F: Slip 1st to cn and hold at front
‘of work, P2; K1 from cn.


(worked over 8 stsand 28 rows)

Row 1 (RS): P3, C2B, P3.

Row 2 (WS): K3, P2, K3.

Row 3: P3, C2B, P3.

Row 4:K3, P2, K3.

Row 5: P2, C2B, C2F, P2

Row 6: K2, P4, K2.

Row 7: T3B, C2B, T3F.

Row 8: K3, P2, K3.

Rows 9-20: Rep rows 3-8twice.

Row 21: P1, C3B, C3F, P1

Row 22: (K1, P1) twice, K1, P2, K1.
Row 23: (P1, K1) twice, P1, K2, PL
Rows 24-25: Rep rows 22-23
Row 26: Rep row 22.

Row 27: P1, T3F, T3B, P1.

Row 28: Knit.

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