Fantasy Knitting Stitch Pattern.

Knitting Instructions Translations:
1. Pattern Repeat and Stitch Count:
- Original: Раппорт узора: 8 петель и 4 ряда. Количество петель рассчитывается по формуле: 8 петель умножаем на количество раппортов, плюс 1 петля для симметрии полотна и 2 кромочные петли. При вязании по кругу количество петель должно быть кратно 8.
- Translation: The pattern repeat is 8 stitches and 4 rows. The number of stitches is calculated as follows: (8 stitches * number of repeats) + 1 stitch for pattern symmetry + 2 selvedge stitches. When knitting in the round, the number of stitches must be a multiple of 8.
- Explanation: This is the most important part for setting up your knitting.
- Flat Knitting: If you want 3 repeats of the pattern, you’d calculate: (8 * 3) + 1 + 2 = 27 stitches.
- In the Round: If you’re knitting in the round (like for a hat or cowl), you don’t need the symmetry stitch or selvedge stitches. Just cast on a multiple of 8 (e.g., 8, 16, 24, 32, etc.).
- Explanation: This is the most important part for setting up your knitting.
2. Pattern Start:
- Original: Узор начинается с вязания изнаночного ряда.
- Translation: The pattern begins with knitting a wrong side (WS) row.
- Explanation: This tells you that row 1 of the pattern is considered a wrong side row, even though many knitters think of row 1 as a right-side row. This is important for keeping track of which row you’re on.
3. Pattern Instructions (Flat Knitting):
- Original: Описание вязания узора поворотными рядами:
1, 3 ряд (изнаночный): кром.п., * 1 лиц.п., 7 изн. п., * 1 лиц.п., кром.п.
2 ряд (лицевой): кром.п., * 1 изн.п., 2 лиц.п., из 3 петель провязать 3 лиц.п. с центральной петлей сверху (2 петли снять на правую спицу вместе как лицевые, третью петлю перевернуть правой стенкой вниз, 2 петли обратно вернуть на левую спицу в перевернутом виде так как они лежат на правой спице, провязать эти 3 петли вместе за задние стенки 1 лиц.п. 1 накид, 1 лиц.п.), 2 лиц.п., * 1 изн.п., кром.п.
4 ряд: кром.п., * 1 изн.п., из 3 петель вместе провязать 3 петли с наклоном вправо (3 петли провязать вместе за передние стенки 1 лиц.п., 1 накид, 1 лиц.п.), 1 лиц.п., из 3 петель вместе провязать 3 петли с наклоном влево (перевернуть 3 петли правой стенкой вниз и провязать эти 3 петли вместе за задние стенки 1 лиц.п., 1 накид, 1 - Translation (with abbreviations):
Instructions for knitting the pattern in rows (flat):- Rows 1 and 3 (WS): selv, * k1, p7 *, k1, selv.
- selv: selvedge stitch
- *…*: repeat the instructions between the asterisks across the row.
- Row 2 (RS): selv, * p1, k2, CDD, k2 *, p1, selv.
CDD: (Central Double Decrease): Slip 2 stitches together knitwise, k1, pass the two slipped stitches over (psso) the knit stitch.- Expanded version of what the russian instructions mean for the CDD
- Slip two stitches to the right needle as if to knit them together.
- Turn the third stitch so the right leg of the stitch is facing down.
- Put the two slipped stitches back to the left needle, making sure they are also twisted/turned.
- Knit the 3 stitches together through the back loop.
- Yarn over
- Knit 1
- Expanded version of what the russian instructions mean for the CDD
- Row 4 (RS): selv, * p1, [k3tog, yo, k1], k1, [ssk, yo, k1…
* The original pattern is incomplete. It’s missing the final knit stitch and the closing bracket/asterisk, and the selvedge instruction. It should read:
* Row 4 (RS): selv, * p1, [k3tog, yo, k1], k1, [CDD, yo, k1] *, p1, selv.
* Where the CDD description is the same as Row 2.
* Expanded version of what the russian instructions mean:
*Purl 1
(Knit 3 stitches together through the front loops, yarn over, knit 1)
*Knit 1
*(Turn three stitches so the right leg of the stitch is facing down. Knit three stitches together through the back loops, yarn over, Knit 1)
- Rows 1 and 3 (WS): selv, * k1, p7 *, k1, selv.
Key to Abbreviations (English Standard):
- selv: Selvedge stitch (your preferred edge stitch)
- k: Knit
- p: Purl
- k2tog: Knit two together
- ssk: Slip, slip, knit
- CDD: Central Double Decrease
- k3tog: Knit three together
- yo: Yarn over
- psso: Pass slipped stitch over
- RS: Right side
- WS: Wrong side
- st(s): Stitch(es)
Important Notes and Corrections:
- Row 4 Incompleteness: The original Row 4 instruction was incomplete. I’ve provided the corrected version above, adding the missing k1] and completing the repeat. Without this, the stitch count would be incorrect. The Russian instructions describe a CDD, and the provided instructions are a CDD
- CDD vs ssk and k3tog: The original text described something similar, but not exactly the same, to an ssk and k3tog. I used the expanded version, in order to be faithful to the original.
- Selvedge Stitch: The pattern says “кром.п.” which just means “edge stitch.” You can use any selvedge stitch you prefer (e.g., slip the first stitch, knit the last stitch; slip the first stitch purlwise with yarn in front, etc.). The specific selvedge isn’t crucial to the pattern itself.
- The CDD description contains the three stitches worked into three stitches.
- Russian Knitting Style: The instructions refer to turning stitches “right leg down”. This likely relates to the way the stitches are mounted on the needle in Russian-style knitting. In Western-style knitting, we usually think of the right leg of the stitch being in front. You might need to experiment slightly to get the correct stitch orientation, especially for the decreases. The goal is to have the decreases slant correctly (left and right).