Cables in Stockinette Stitch Pattern

Cables in Stockinette Stitch Pattern.

Cables in Stockinette Stitch Pattern

Use a Cable Cast On: “Insert RH needle between the last 2 sts on the LH needle. Knit a st and place it on the LH needle; rep from for desired number of sts.

Special Abbreviations:

C6B (Cable 6 Back): Sl next 3 sts to cn and hold in back of work, k3, k3 from cn,

C6F (Cable 6 Front): SI next 3 sts to cn and hold in front of work, k3, k3 from cn.

Cast on

Multiples of 9 stitches

Cable Knitting Pattern

  • Row 1 and all WS rows: Purl.
  • Row 2: C6B, k3.
  • Rows 4, 6 and 10: Knit.
  • Row 8: K3, C6F.
  • Row 12: Knit.

Rep Rows 1-12 for pattern.

Cable Chart

sc cahrt
sc cahrt 1

See More

Cable Knitting Patterns (all with written instructions)

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