Basic Rope Cable Knitting Stitch

Basic Rope Cable Knitting Stitch.

You can make two types of basic rope cables with 3 by 3 stitches, one that twists to the left and one that mirrors it and twists to the right. Cross it every 8 rows for a classic look, otherwise try crossing every 6, 10 12 or 14 to achieve the look you desire.

Basic Rope Cable Knitting Stitch

Knitting Pattern Stitch for Rope Cables

Left Cross

(panel of 6 sts; 8-rows repeat)

  • Row 1 and all WS rows (WS): Purl
  • Row 2: Knit
  • Row 3: Purl
  • Row 4: 3/3 LC (3 over 3 left cross. Slip 3 stitches to the cable needle, hold to the front, knit 3, then knit 3 from the cable needle
  • Row 6: Knit
  • Row 7: Purl
  • Row 8: Knit
  • Repeat Rows 1-8 for pattern

Right Cross

(panel of 6 sts; 8-rows repeat)

  • Row 1 and all WS rows (WS): Purl
  • Row 2: Knit
  • Row 3: Purl
  • Row 4: 3/3 RC (3 over 3 right cross. Slip 3 stitches to the cable needle, hold to the back, knit 3, then knit 3 from the cable needle
  • Row 6: Knit
  • Row 7: Purl
  • Row 8: Knit
  • Repeat Rows 1-8 for pattern

4 thoughts on “Basic Rope Cable Knitting Stitch”

  1. I am looking for instructions to knit a cable (on the back of a sweater) that forks into 2 cables, in other words forms a Y whose upper points end on one shoulder each.
    My apologies if this is not very well put. I am a beginning knitter 🙂

    1. It says “Row 1 and all WS rows (WS): Purl.” All the odd # rows (including 5) are WS rows, so purl. Don’t know why they wrote Purl for rows 3 and 7 but not 5.

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