Moss Stitch Chevron Knitting Stitch Free.
Moss Stitch Chevron Knitting Stitch Free.
Free Stacked Cable Knitting Stitch. Panel of 8 sts on a background of reverse St st. 1st row (right side): K8. 2nd row: P8. 3rd row: C4B, C4F. 4th row:
Free Knitting Stitch Moss Panels. Multiple of 8 + 7. 1st row (wrong side): K3, *p1, k3; rep from * to end. 2nd row: P3, *k1, p3; rep from *
Free Dot Stitch Knitting Pattern. Multiple of 4 + 3. 1st row (right side): K1, *p1, k3; rep from * to last 2 sts, p1, k1. 2nd row: Purl. 3rd
Ornamental Daisy Stitch Knitting. Multiple of 10 + 8. 1st, 3rd, and 5th rows: Knit. 2nd, 4th, and 6th rows: Purl. 7th row: K2, make daisy [insert needle in loop
Diagonal Knitting Pattern Stitch. Multiple of 4 + 2. 1st row (right side): Edge st, *p1, k3; rep from * to last st, edge st. 2nd row: Edge st, p2
Rope Cable Panel Knitting Stitch.
Lace Knitting Stitch Idea Free.
Cable and Lace Chevron Knitting Stitch.
Chain Cable Knitting Stitch.