Leaf and Bobble Lace Knitting Pattern.

Russian Knitting Pattern
Here is a translation of the text below.
- Original: Очень красивый И женственный узор из листьев тот редкий случай, когда ажурный узор можно использовать B качестве двухстороннего. Поэтому он подходит не только для нарядной одежды, но и для вязания шарфов, шалей, палантинов.
- Translation: “A very beautiful and feminine leaf pattern – a rare instance where a lace pattern can be used as double-sided (reversible). Therefore, it’s suitable not only for elegant clothing but also for knitting scarves, shawls, and stoles.”
- Explanation: This sets the stage, describing the pattern’s aesthetic and versatility. “Ажурный” specifically means lace or openwork.
Part 2: Pattern Repeat
- Original: Раппорт (18 петель на 24 рядах) довольно крупный. Несмотря на это, вяжется легко, потому, что самым трудным B исполнении элементом являются три петли вместе лицевой и изнаночной.
- Translation: “The pattern repeat (18 stitches and 24 rows) is quite large. Despite this, it knits up easily, because the most difficult element to execute is knitting three stitches together, both knitwise and purlwise.”
- Explanation: This defines the size of the repeating unit. It highlights the most challenging stitch combination, which involves both k3tog (knit three together) and p3tog (purl three together). This implies there are instructions for both.
Part 3: Edge Stitches
- Original: По краю полотна (в начале и конце ряда образуются только половинки листьев, поэтому три петли вместе в начале И конце ряда необходимо заменить на две петли вместе.
- Translation: “Along the edge of the fabric (at the beginning and end of the row), only half-leaves are formed. Therefore, ‘three stitches together’ at the beginning and end of the relevant rows should be replaced with ‘two stitches together’.”
- Explanation: clarifies that at the edges, to accomodate the half-leaves, any instruction to knit or purl three stitches together will become knit or purl two stitches together.
Part 4: Calculating Stitch Count
- Original: Ширину полотна нужно рассчитывать так, чтобы число петель делилось на 18 (в полотно укладывалось целое число раппортов).
- Translation: “The width of the fabric should be calculated so that the number of stitches is divisible by 18 (to ensure a whole number of pattern repeats fits).”
Part 5: Wrong Side Rows
- Original: Изнаночные ряды на схеме не указаны. Все петли в них вязать по рисунку (как смотрят петли),
- Translation: “The wrong side (purl) rows are not shown on the chart. All stitches in these rows should be worked ‘as they appear’ (knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches).”
- Explanation: This simplifies the pattern. The chart only shows the right-side rows. On the wrong side, you simply work the stitches as you see them – if it looks like a knit stitch, knit it; if it looks like a purl stitch, purl it. This is often referred to as “working the stitches as they present themselves.”