Bobble Points Knitting Stitch for Edges

Bobble Points Knitting Stitch for Edges.

Bobble Points Knitting Stitch for Edges


Special abbreviation: MB make bobble. (Ki, pl, kl. pl. kl) in next st, [turn, sl 1, k4] 4 times, turn and lift, I at a time, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th st over Ist st

k = knit

p = purl

yo = yarn over

Cast on

Lengthways over 6 stitches.

Written Instructions

  • 1st row (right side): K3, yo, k3. (7 sts)
  • 2nd and every alt row: Knit.
  • 3rd row: K3, yo, k4. (8 sts)
  • 5th row: K3, yo, k5. (9 sts)
  • 7th row: K3, yo, k6. (10 sts)
  • 9th row: K3, yo, k7. (11 sts)
  • 11th row: K3, yo, k7, MB. (12 sts)
  • 12th row: Bind off 6 sts, k to end. (6 sts)

Rep these 12 rows.

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