Triangle diagonal cabled knit stitch

Triangle diagonal cabled knit stitch.




11 thoughts on “Triangle diagonal cabled knit stitch”

  1. Admin, I took this pattern and figured it out. I typed up the instructions. Can I send them to you to post? It’s in PDF format.

  2. Is a description of the stitch symbols available for the triangle diagonal cabled knit stitch. I love it and knit wraps for charity and would like to do it.

  3. Hello.
    Do you have a written pattern to this or a guide to the chart? I love this pattern and would love to use it with some help.
    Thank you.

  4. The chart under the picture does not have a key — can you send the symbol key to the chart or written instructions– thanks

  5. Here’s a written version of this chart if anyone is still having trouble with it. As the bottom of the chart says in Lithuanian, the motif is repeated every 16 stitches with 19 extra added for the edges.

    Row 1: k4, Cable-Left, *(k1, Cable-Left) twice, Cable-Right, k2, Cable-Left, repeat from *, end with (k1, Cable-Left) twice, Cable-Right, k1.

    Row 2 and all WS rows: purl all.

    Row 3: (k1, Cable-Left) twice, *k1, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, repeat from *, end with k1, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k2.

    Row 5: k2, Cable-Left, k1, *Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k2, Cable-Left, k1, repeat from *, end with Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k3.

    Row 7: Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k1, *Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k1, repeat from *, end with Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right.

    Row 9: k4, Cable-Left, *k1, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, k2, Cable-Left, repeat from *, end with k1, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, k1.

    Row 11: k2, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, *k2, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, repeat from *, end with k2, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, k2.

    Row 13: k1, Cable-Right, k2, *Cable-Left, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, Cable-Right, k2, repeat from *, end with Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, k3.

    Row 15: Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, *Cable-Left, k2, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, Cable-Right, repeat from *, end with Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right.

    Row 17: k3, Cable-Right, k1, *k1, Cable-Left, (Cable-Right, k1) three times, repeat from *, end with k1, Cable-Left, (Cable-Right, k1) twice.

    Row 19: k2, Cable-Right, k1, *Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k2, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, repeat from *, end with Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k2.

    Row 21: (k1, Cable-Right) twice, *k2, Cable-Left, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, Cable-Right, repeat from *, end with k2, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k3.

    Row 23: Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right *Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, k1, Cable-Right, repeat from *, end with Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right.

    Row 25: k3, Cable-Right, k1, *(k1, Cable-Left) twice, (Cable-Right, k1) twice, repeat from *, end with (k1, Cable-Left) twice, Cable-Right, k1.

    Row 27: k2, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, *(k1, Cable-Left) twice, k2, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, repeat from *, end with (k1, Cable-Left) twice, k3.

    Row 29: k1, Cable-Right, k2, *(Cable-Left, k1) twice, Cable-Left, Cable-Right, k2, repeat from *, end with (Cable-Left, k1) twice, Cable Left, k2.

    Row 31: Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k1, *Cable-Left, k1, Cable-Left, k2, Cable-Right, Cable-Left, k1, repeat from *, end with (Cable-Left, k1) three times.

    Repeat these 32 rows for pattern.


    k = knit

    Traditional way: slip next 2 stitches on to a cable needle and hold at front of work, knit next stitch on left needle, knit both stitches off cable needle.
    Alternative way: insert the right needle as if to purl into the back of the third stitch on the left needle, pull it and the 2 stitches before it off the left needle & quickly insert the left needle into the 2 loose stitches. Put the stitch on the right needle back on the left needle. Knit all 3 stitches normally.

    Traditional way: slip next stitch on to a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit next 2 stitches from left needle, knit stitch off cable needle.
    Alternative way: insert the right needle as if to purl into the front of the second and third stitches on the left needle, pull them and the stitch before them off the left needle & quickly insert the left needle into the loose stitch. Put the two stitches on the right needle back on the left needle. Knit all 3 stitches normally.

    1. Also an alternative lace version can be made that’s still quite pretty. Simply swap each Cable-Right for: knit 2 together, k1, yo. And swap each Cable-Left for: yo, k1, slip 2 stitches knitwise and then knit them together. When a Cable-Right is followed by a Cable-Left (as in row 3), you’ll have to do a double yarn-over between decreases. On the following wrong side row, all double yarn-overs should be worked as k1, p1.

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