Flower Triangle lace free knitting stitch chart.
Flower Triangle lace
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I think I’ve got most of the stitches figured out in English but I am having trouble with the symbol that has the 3 and 7 in the X. I know it means knit 3 together and yarn over but why are those two repeated several times in the directions for the symbol?
The very first demosration graphic has the answer. Basicly you are gathering 3 stitches together. Then using knit and yarn over, putting 7 stitches into the 3.
This stitch creates the flaring center of each flower.
I checked out your web page and your lace is absolutely beautiful. I would never have the patience to do that large a project. It takes me a year to do a project that should only take a fews week to complete now! How talented you are! Thanks for the help. Now I will try and see if it works. It seems similar to the way a NUPPS is created but without gathering it all back together.
Do you have instructions in English?
Is there an English version of this flower triangle pattern?
Hi there,
If you have the English instructions would be great!!
Thank you in advance☺